My a tree...

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So... I am addicted to something (besides scrapblog and my son)... I am ADDICTED to genealogy! I am not sure how it started really... I think it was a third grade project done by my FAVORITE TEACHER Mrs. Winters, we had to do just our wee little tree, you know us, parents and grandparents... and since that day, I have thought that my history is FACINATING! And now with Sir Isaac, I think it's uber important to record as much as possible for him. I mean, Isaac has MORE GREAT Grandparents than Grandparents alive, so he is a pretty lucky kid! So, I have been researching, printing and rewriting cenus facts, records, and pictures that go back as far as 1590.. I mean, thats almost older than dirt! :-) I even found Jeff's great grandpas (note: Isaac's great great grandpa's) Draft card from the first world war! I mean, it's AMAZING. So in the next few weeks, if I am not updating this blog like I should, please forgive me... I am exploring my past and scanning a million pictures into my computer so that when Isaac's grandchildren want to see a picture of their great great great great grandparent's wedding day, (MAN that's alot of greats!) he can pull it up on his new computer and say... weren't they beautiful....