Are you freaking kidding me!?

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Installment four...

So to catch you up,

* I found out I was pregnant
* Everyone knew
* I had ALOT of complications in the first trimester.


Ok, so I was enjoying a drama free second trimester. I was excitedly looking at everything baby related. We decided to save money that we would move in with my mom (who happened to have a very large empty house that needed some commotion... ;-)

So, I went to my May appointment (I was 21 weeks) to find out if the wee babe was a boy or a girl. I KNEW it was a boy. I unfortunately was the only one that thought so. I think because I love the color pink, everyone figured I would have a girl! So Jeff met me there after work. The ultra sound tech there is SO NICE. (Julie) She asked if we wanted to know, and of course we did. As soon as the image came up on the screen, I said, "That looks like a penis to me!" and she laughed and said... that's your son alright!
The "money" shot!

Now, if you remember, I was having a wonderful second trimester, so I never thought in a million years I would hear, "there seems to be something wrong here" ....Perfect.

Apparently, when you are pregnant, you are supposed to have 2 arteries and one vein in your umbilical cord... well, the umbilical cord that my body grew had only ONE artery and ONE vein. This can lead to a slew of problems. Julie continued to look around in there and said everything else looked perfect. Even so, the doctors wanted to send me to Loyola for a second opinion and a level 2 ultra sound....

So we called everyone with the news that they were going to have a grandson or nephew... my sister was SHOCKED as she had already bought many dresses for this of which she made him wear any way...Isaac wearing the Christmas Dress from Auntie KK

So, in June I went to Loyola extension in New Lenox... Everyone there was SO nice, and professional..... it made me feel at ease immediately!
The ultra sound lasted about 50 minutes and the doctors were able to see everything they needed and gave peanut a clean bill of health! The doctor came in and said that everything looked great! It was such a relief to hear that after a million worries about what "could" be wrong! The doctor was of course careful to say that of course they could never be 100 percent certain that everything was perfect, but as far as they could see it looked GREAT! So we were so happy and blessed and basically dancing on air!
The doctor told me that they will probably monitor me a little more closely when we get closer to the due date, just to make sure that he is still growing appropriately, but she seemed to think that it wouldn't be a problem... she then said... you WILL need to go get a fetal echocardiogram so we can see the heart a little closer, because we can't always see heart issues on this machine... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Didn't they just tell me everything was FINE?!?
SO I made ANOTHER appointment at Loyola in Maywood for a fetal echo... Lordie...
Isaac on June 4th, the date of our Level 2 Ultrasound..

Stay tuned for the journey of the Maywood Loyola visit! The Merry Go Round of emotions continue!